The Developing Room's biennial New Talent Film Fund is an opportunity for young & early career filmmakers to create a professionally commissioned short film, courtesy of The Developing Room.

We are delighted to announce the winner of our inaugural New Talent Film Fund: London-based writer-director Will Stepney, who is the recipient of the £1000 production grant for his moving and important script Show Me The Sounds.
The film is currently in development and will be moving into production in early 2025.
Applicants to the New Talent Film Fund 2023 were tasked with submitting 5-minute scripts based around the theme of 'growing pains'. The judges were completely taken with Will's beautiful coming-of-age short film about hearing-loss, and we are beyond excited to help him bring such an important & inclusive film to life over the next year.
The Developing Room's New Talent Film Fund will return in 2025.